

Leptospirosis is a serious condition caused by bacteria. It's transmitted to your pet from another animal that's already infected with it. In most cases, this is a wild animal, and your pet has come into contact with that animal's urine in the soil near your home. Fortunately, if you're in the Canyon Lake area, you can bring your pet to us at Not Just 4 Paws Animal Hospital for treatment of this condition. There's also a vaccine that can prevent some leptospirosis infections.


Is Vaccination 100% Effective?

Because there are many different kinds of leptospires that cause leptospirosis, getting your pet vaccinated against this condition doesn't provide them with 100% immunity. If they come into contact with the strains they were vaccinated against, they'll be protected, but they can still catch other strains. Still, it's well worth vaccinating your pet for the level of protection it gives them. Vaccinations pose a very minimal risk, and they can keep your pet feeling healthy and happy for the long term.

What are the Symptoms of Leptospirosis?

Symptoms of leptospirosis can vary, depending on the dog that contracts it. Most dogs have a fever with this disease, and they may experience muscle pain, weakness, or depression. They can also have abdominal pain, diarrhea, or vomiting, and they may refuse to eat. If you notice these kinds of symptoms in your pet, the best thing you can do is bring them to the vet for care and treatment. They can develop issues like chronic kidney disease if left untreated for leptospirosis.

How Treatable is This Condition?

The good news about leptospirosis is that it's generally very treatable, especially when caught early. A course of antibiotics from your veterinarian will generally clear it from your pet's system. It's important to treat it quickly, though, so your pet doesn't develop chronic kidney disease or other health conditions from being unable to eat properly or experiencing too much dehydration from diarrhea. Our vet can help you get the right treatment plan for your pet.

Get in Touch with Our Animal Hospital

Are you looking for a veterinarian near you? When you need a veterinarian in the Canyon Lake, CA area, get in touch with us at Not Just 4 Paws Animal Hospital today. We understand the serious nature of conditions like leptospirosis and want to make sure your dog gets the treatment and support they need to feel better fast. If you have a pet with symptoms of this problem, contacting us for help is the best choice to take great care of your pet.

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9:00 am - 4:30 pm



8:00 am - 6:00 pm
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